Reactor Irradiations and Isotope Production
Reactor Irradiation Ports
The PULSTAR has a selection of ex-core irradiation ports and beamports – see Figure #1 below. Approximate flux values for these facilities are given here.
Large diameter ‘Standpipes’ may be located in the reactor pool directly adjacent to the reactor core – see Figure #2 below. These facilities may be utilized for irradiating experimental packages and for isotope production.
Examples of experimental packages include:
- Nuclear instruments and detectors (e.g. for calibration measurements or radiation damage studies).
- Semiconductor devices and materials (e.g. for radiation damage studies or transmutation doping).
- Fiber optic sensors.
- Nuclear materials (e.g. fueled experiments, vessel steel)
- Fission Track etch samples (e.g. geologic/ore samples)
Examples of isotopes that may be produced include:
- Antimony-122/124
- Argon-41
- Bromine-82
- Cobalt-60
- Iron-59
- Sodium-24
- …and many others depending on user’s requirements.
For additional information about the PULSTAR reactor’s irradiation and isotope production capabilities, please contact the Manager of Nuclear Services.